Our dietician

Weight and inflammation play an important role in many complaints. That is why in some cases, our chiropractors at Chiropractie Leiden will advise you to see a dietitian. It is just as important to address the chemical aspect of the body during treatment and prevention, as the biochemical and neurological ones.

Reineke Koldewijn-Erdbrink does not believe in ‘dieting’ or any other kind of ‘quick fix’. Depending on the indication and your own preferences, she will be able to guide you into a eating pattern that will help you become healthier, more vital and more energetic.

Reineke Koldewijn-Erdbrink’s approach are in line with the latest, cutting edge scientific findings. She is also specialized in allergies.

Next fall Reineke will be offering a new programme. We promise to keep you posted on this page. Keep your eyes pealed!


Evaluation of the effects of Physical Activity Spine, Oct. 6, 2016
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Your health deserves your attention at all times. We like to keep ourselves and you up to date through various activities.

Learn to let go of your baggage with Body Mind Release. Tuesday May 14, 2024. 6:45-7:45 PM
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Spine Screening Clinic at House of Sport Leiden. Wednesday June 5 from 7PM to 9 PM
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