Somatic therapist

As of April 2023, Natalie Heller has been strengthening team Chiropractie Leiden. We had been looking for someone who can complement the chiropractic treatment with the right massage techniques and therapeutic exercises for a long time. Someone who shares our vision, where the needs of the person are central. Natalie is someone with a lot of knowledge of the functioning and relaxation of muscles. This therapist is familiar with the dance world. After international experience with various dance groups, she teaches dance techniques at Leiden University in the Netherlands. She also studied French and philosophy at Oxford University in England. She is half Greek and half English but has been living in the Netherlands for a long time. She therefore speaks excellent Dutch. She also has a French partner and two sweet children aged 5 and 7.

Natalie is happy to help you relax your muscles and teach you how to stand, sit and move in 60-minute sessions. Soft tissue massage and the right exercises for core strengthening are the ideal formula for supporting your chiropractic treatment. Her focus will be on the recovery of muscles and tendons. Natalie uses different ‘myofascial techniques’ that will release unnecessary tension in the muscles and connective tissue and rebalance ligaments. During the session Natalie will check for blockages with the myofascial systems. Her therapeutic techniques are aimed at prevention, treatment and performance improvement. It is ideal to book this in combination with your chiropractic appointment. But of course you can also make a separate appointment for Natalie at our frontdesk.

Helene Gallagher

Since June 2024, Helene Gallagher has been a valuable addition to our team at Chiropractie Leiden. Her expertise in massage techniques and therapeutic exercises enhances our personalized chiropractic care. Helene specializes in the fascia system and muscles, and her treatments are a perfect fit for our holistic approach.

Born and raised in Berlin, Helene pursued her passion for holistic health in Paris, where she studied Fascia Therapy and Somatic Psychopedagogy at the TMG Concept Institute. Her training has given her in-depth knowledge of the body’s connective tissue and its crucial role in promoting recovery and alleviating physical complaints.

In her 50-minute sessions, Helene focuses on reducing tension in fascia and muscles, which improves soft tissue homeostasis. She applies various techniques to promote mobility, reduce pain, and optimize overall function. Clients appreciate her gentle yet effective approach, which results in long-term improvements in quality of life.

Helene speaks fluent Dutch, English and German, which allows her to serve a wide audience. She continues to develop herself by following workshops and further training. Since 2007, Helene lives in the Netherlands, together with her American husband and their son, and enjoys time in nature with her family.


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Your health deserves your attention at all times. We like to keep ourselves and you up to date through various activities.

Learn to let go of your baggage with Body Mind Release. Tuesday May 14, 2024. 6:45-7:45 PM
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Spine Screening Clinic at House of Sport Leiden. Wednesday June 5 from 7PM to 9 PM
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